
The Women of The Red Table Talk Advise People On Lending Money & Help A 46-Year-Old Virgin

Red Table Talk Addiction

Source: Facebook/Sophy Holland / Facebook/Sophy Holland

Today marks the last “Red Table Talk” episode for the year. And it was a lighter one. They talked about awkward conversations of all types, with humor and levity but also with a level of seriousness. Gammy, Jada and Willow were joined by New York Times advice columnist Philip Galanes and comedian Kym Whitley. They offered some interesting insight on lending money and a woman whose younger sisters treat her like she’s a child.

See what they had to say below.

I would also say for people like us who came from backgrounds where we didn’t have much. Don’t feel guilty. I spent so many years feeling guilty and my guilt made me feel like I owed everybody and I wasn’t allowed to say no. And that just wasn’t true. So I came up with a couple of rules for myself. First of all, I don’t lend money. I only give money that I’m willing to give away, like this is a gift, specifically people who are really close to me because I’m not trying to have fall outs over money. And then the next thing is, when somebody really needs help, I really evaluate if the person is ready for that help.

So if somebody is like, ‘I need a new house.’ But if they don’t have a job to support the house they’re trying to buy, ‘Well, you’re not ready for that.’ So I’m not about to help you get into something that ultimately is going to make more difficulty for you. I’ve also learned to help people with resources like education.

But the biggest thing is, you don’t owe nobody nothing. And people will make you feel like you owe me. I was standing next to. I grew up in the house with you. I knew you when. And at the end of the day, you don’t owe nobody nothing.

Afterward, they spoke to Celeste, the eldest of three sisters who finds that even though she is the oldest, her sisters often baby her, as a way to protect her. When they’re traveling together, they don’t want her to drive. They’re quick to verbally and even physically defend her honor and more.

Kym Whitley: I’m done. They’re your younger sisters. You got your nice little flower dress on. You got your cross. You’re not doing grown woman stuff. First, I need you to start cussing. I see you probably don’t cuss. They not gon respect you until you start cussing. You probably drinking Kool Aid, I need you to get you some Hennessey. They gon respect you. They sit you at the kids’ table. You sit at the kids table with your Hennessey and cuss out them kids, they’re going to respect you.

Celeste: I don’t want to make them feel like they’re doing something wrong because it’s coming from a place of love.

Phillip: But they are doing something wrong.

Jada: Celeste, are you single, dating, or married?

Celeste: I am actually very single. And when I was 13, I made the True Love Wait commitment, which is to wait until I’m married to have sex.

Kym: So what’s that mean? You ain’t done it?’

Celeste: Yeah.

Kym: Oh! This explains it. So they’re treating you like a little kitten, like a baby. You got to let that kitten become a cat. Let them walk in and see you with somebody. They’ll change how they talk to you.

Jada: Kudos to you. Even with all of that, it’s letting them know that you are grown as hell and you got this.

Kym: Let’s just say it. Save your virginity but I would lay a couple of adult toys in the house and let them find it. Don’t say nothing, just lay them around.

Later, in the episode, they spoke about how to handle friends who are not taking covid seriously and more.

You can watch it all in the video below.

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