
Shekinah Says Her And Tiny’s Friendship Is Over, Reveals What Was The ‘Last Straw’ For Her…

Legendary Style Soiree

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

Shekinah Jo Anderson recently spoke out about what really went down between her and Tiny Harris that caused the demise of their close friendship. Sharing her side of the situation through tears, she explained that after being dragged online for defending Tiny and T.I. amidst their ongoing sexual assault scandal, it was hurtful when Tiny just stood by as she took all the heat.

Throughout the 20-minute-long Instagram Live session Shekinah posted earlier this week, the reality TV star and celebrity hairstylist noted that when she’d originally met Tiny, the Xscape singer was just a housewife. According to her, at that time she’d actually been the one who’d encouraged all of the girl group’s members to eventually reunite. Quite passionately, she emphasized that nobody “made” her who she is — and that she essentially “worked for tips” and earned “pennies on the dollar” for a long time at the early stages of her career before Viacom started paying her what she deserved as Tiny’s then hairstylist. Amidst all the backstory, Shekinah also said that she’d felt during an abusive romantic relationship she’d been in, all her friends had distanced themselves from her and were hanging out with Tiny instead — which was a difficult time in her life.

Later, the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star explained that what really ended the friendship in her eyes was when Tiny allegedly fed her things to say as she made a video defending her and T.I. when sexual assault allegations started flooding out against the couple on social media back in January. As per her recent Instagram Live, Shekinah said, “[That] is my last straw for her. When I made that comment about [the allegations against] her she was in the room with me. M–her f–ker was sitting right there with me. She the one telling me what to say and then when all y’all in America go crazy on me my own ‘supposed to be friend’ sit there and let y’all take me down… knowing I ain’t got sh-t to do with none of that sh-t she got going on. She let y’all — she let the world tear me up.”

“I still was cool,” Shekinah continued later as she was tearing up. “Still didn’t go crazy — y’all still ain’t never seen me go to Wendy Williams and tell a story… It woke me up to let me know ‘This girl don’t f–k with you’ — Sitting here and telling me what to say about a god d–n lady — I don’t know nothing about nobody. And then you sit there and when the world takes me down, you let me go out with these m–her f-kers…”

“And she’s a sweet person, she’s a blessed person, she’s so sweet,” she emphasized of Tiny at the end of the clip. “She’s such a sweet person, she is — don’t judge her.”

Later, Tiny left a long comment on The Neighborhood LLC’s reposted clips of Shekinah’s Instagram Live session, which read, “Y’all can’t believe this dizzy b–ch if you like! Why tf would I ask her to say what she said?! 🤨 True enough she wanted to speak up for me as a friend and I appreciate that but I never told her to say any of that sh*t she said. That’s on my life and everything I love. She wrote me a book and said people don’t need to know but yet going to Live talking about me daily. Worst kind of friend to have!! If we not cool, we not cool… Move on as I have quietly. It’s a shame I’m addressing this BS now! Just sick of all the lies. Day after day!! I will forever wish her nothing but the best still. It’s sad when close friends turn to enemies but God has his way and I won’t question Him!”

In a response to a fellow commenter on The Neighborhood LLC’s repost, Tiny additionally said that there were other people in the room who could also clarify the truth on what really went down the day Shekinah claims she told her what to say as she made a video defending her and T.I. Most recently, Shekinah said that she thought it was crazy Tiny called her a “dizzy b–ch” because she’s never known her to speak like that. As explained, she thinks Tiny probably has other people telling her what to do and say when it comes to handling their now extremely public back and forth.

If you’re interested, see exactly what Shekinah had to say about Tiny’s jab down below.

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