
10 Items To Throw Out Or Donate While Spring Cleaning

spring cleaning tips

Source: mapodile / Getty

Did you know you make more mistakes when you’re in a messy environment than when you’re in a clean one? How many things do you have surrounding you this minute that you haven’t used in months…or years? If the answer is “Too many to count,” that’s a shame, since research has found that donating unused items makes you happier, and increases happiness in recipients. So while those items are literally taking away from your happiness, they could be increasing somebody else’s. Of course, there are also items that are no longer usable, and just need to be thrown out. It’s okay to admit when that’s happened. The question is: are you any good at admitting it? If throwing items away – even useless items – causes you pain, you may have some hoarder tendencies.

With the seasons turning over and the air feeling so light and bright, this is a great time to make your indoor environment feel light and bright, too. It’s too common to hang onto things we rarely use in case we “someday” need them. Hey, you probably have a friend who can lend you a tent or ball gown if that “someday” ever comes, but in the meantime, if you haven’t camped or attended a gala in the past few years, maybe the associated items don’t need to take up storage in your home. For spring cleaning season, here are things to donate and throw out.

spring cleaning tips

Source: FreshSplash / Getty

Throw out: clothes with holes

Why are you wearing clothes with holes in them? Are you the drummer in a grunge band? Are you camouflaging yourself in rags during the apocalypse? No? Then throw those items out. Clothing is one type of item that depreciates in value so drastically (unless it was worn or signed by a celebrity), it’s worth mere pennies a few years after you bought it. So you aren’t throwing real money away by throwing out clothes with holes in them. Meanwhile, when you wear these clothes, you feel like trash. You subconsciously send yourself the message that you are not worthy of fresh, new, crisp clothing. Oh, but you are!

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