
10 Ways Role Play Can Go Terribly (And Hilariously) Wrong

sexy role play

Source: Edward Olive / EyeEm / Getty

Does who you are in life have to be who you are in bed? Or does who you are in bed have to be representative of who you are in life? Many, many people would respond with a resounding “No,” to both questions. The best sex is always the sex in which you feel free. Every other part of your day, from your work to your time with friends to simply grocery shopping, comes with limitations. Expectations. There’s a certain way people expect you to be in many situations. And, there’s a certain way you want to appear in most situations. So the beauty of sex can be – or should be – that it’s a time to relinquish any expectations you have of yourself, or that your partner has of you. It can be time to play and push the normal boundaries of who you are.


All of this is leading to what you might have guessed: role play! Role play allows you to play out certain parts of your personality that are usually downplayed or suppressed. It allows you to be a certain way, for a little while, without any commitment to being that way all of the time. It’s exploratory and exciting. It can also, of course, get a little awkward sometimes when not everyone is entirely sure what is going on. The moment you bring in costumes and new identities, things can get confusing. Here are ways role play can go terribly wrong.


When a fake nurse finds a real problem

If you’re going to play nurse or doctor, you might want to start with a physical exam. Maybe a rectal exam. You want to really get in there, and have your partner bend over and take his pants off. You might have even purchased a little stethoscope. But when your partner is in a compromising position and you’re feeling around down there just “Checking for abnormalities” or “Large masses,” you may find an actual mass. Or lump. Or growth. Or mole. Or rash. Now the mood is kind of ruined because you’re genuinely worried about this abnormality you found on your partner’s body, and think he should go get that checked out.

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