
12 Personal Safety Apps Every Woman Should Download

best personal safety apps

Source: caracterdesign / Getty

We know that the pandemic has spurred negative emotions in many Americans, but just how bad is it? News reports say that homicide rates are up 28 percent in 2020 and aggravated assaults are up nine percent. Some officials state that the civil unrest this year caused police to redirect energy away from anti-crime programs. Some say job loss and stress are to blame for the rise in violent crimes.

Now more than ever it’s important to be on high alert, especially if you are a woman who lives alone, or often goes out alone. Even though most violent crimes against women involve intimate partner crimes (of which Black women are historically the largest victims), it is still important to be aware of one’s surroundings and take precautions when away from the home. We may not all remember to keep mace or a taser on us at all times, but what do we typically have nearby? Our smartphones. Here are personal safety apps women should download.

best personal safety apps

Source: Dimensions / Getty

Best for apartment hunting: My Safetipin

Today, just about everything is subject to online ratings, from restaurants to hotels to food trucks. So why not the safety of neighborhoods? That’s just what this app is for. Before visiting an area, you can search it in the app and see its safety ratings. It will provide a ranking based on things like visibility, crowds, public transportation, and how visitors have felt. You can also enter your data and experience, helping provide information to other users.

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