
“My Social Media Platforms Are Being Held Hostage By My Ex” Lamar Odom Accuses Sabrina Parr Of Hacking Into His Accounts

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Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

The back and forth between Lamar Odom and Sabrina Parr has yet to come to an end. They’re off these days, no longer engaged, and once again, airing their dirty laundry out for the public to see. According to Odom, Parr has stolen the passwords and hacked into his social media accounts.

In a video posted to the Instagram page of one of alleged hacked accounts, Odom asked his followers to find him on new Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Twitch accounts.

The caption of the video reads, “Unfortunately my social media platforms are being held hostage by my ex and we are working hard to recover my passwords for IG and Twitter~ if any of y’all know someone who can get it reset for me hit my brand managers.

Lamar also shared that he’s on ClubHouse and was inviting people to his room where he planned to discuss mental health, toxic and abusive relationships, and self love.

Underneath Lamar’s post, a follower wrote, “We calling Kris Jenner if you don’t give that man his account back.”

Sabrina responded, “Y’all not even thinking straight. How do I have someone’s account who is currently on their account posting from it???? Please don’t believe silly lies. I haven’t said anything and I don’t have anything to say!”

But that wasn’t entirely true. Because Parr followed up these comments with an Instagram story, further denying Odom’s claims that she’d hacked into his social media.

On her stories, Parr wrote:

“I find these accusations from Lamar & whoever he’s working with extremely disappointing. We are no longer together and haven’t been for a while. I’ve chose to move in silence about the situation & I suggest you do the same. We both know the truth and I can assure you no truth is being told on their end. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to continue moving on in peace & silence.”

Odom and Parr were first seen out with one another as a couple in August 2019. They got engaged that November.

But the news wasn’t celebrated by everyone. While the public praised Parr for keeping Odom clean, helping him and fostering a relationship with God, Odom’s children seemed deadest against the idea of their union from the beginning.

The same month of their engagement, Odom’s son claimed that Parr had him in the “sunken place.”

Afterward, Parr stated that she wanted to wait to marry Lamar until their relationship was in a better place.

Then last month, Parr announced that she had called off their engagement saying, “I love him dearly but I am no longer able to be by his side.”

Then later in the month, it seemed as if the two were going to reconcile when they spent Thanksgiving together and Parr was wearing her ring again. On Instagram, Parr wrote, “So thankful to be surrounded by love on this day!”

When a follower said they were confused, Parr said, “clearly we are back together.”

But it seems that things have soured since then.

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