
Why Americans Seeking A Pandemic Getaway Are Choosing Mexico

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As the world adjusts to a new normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the surprises is how Americans travel to Mexico doesn’t appear to have been as affected as severely as travel to other places, particularly international destinations. There are several reasons why travelers still trust Mexico and feel that, when the appropriate precautions are observed, it’s a safe place to visit.

Why Mexico is Americans’ Go-To Pandemic Travel Destination

You may have noticed that among your friends who are still taking vacations, many of their social media feeds are filled with pictures from trips to Mexico. That’s no accident. According to Cynika Drake, president of Lavish Lifestyles Concierge, “Mexico has become the go-to destination because it is one of the few countries Americans are not banned from, and Mexico also does not require a Covid test for entry nor are you required to quarantine.”

Another reason that air travel to Mexico remains popular is that there are so many flights still available. Terry Suero, director of market development, says travelers are looking for easy-to-get-to destinations with short flights and limited stop-overs. Because the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in the number of available flights overall, Suero says that’s had an influence on “the convenience factor” of Mexico.

As an added benefit, Mexico provides many destinations that offer open spaces and the opportunity to avoid big crowds, says Suero.

Is Mexico Really Safe to Visit?

Some travelers may still have reservations about traveling during the pandemic. However, many travel industry experts agree that visiting Mexico is as safe as traveling within the U.S. Because of the air filtration systems used in commercial aircrafts, Suero says that flying is relatively safe in regards to avoiding COVID-19. “I feel Mexico is as safe as any place in the USA as long as you are wearing your mask, social distancing, and not inserting yourself into crowded bars or restaurants,” Drake says. “Practice the same precautions you would at home.”

Many Mexican hotels are committed to regular COVID testing for their employees and have established strong precautions for employees and guests, including social distancing, increased cleaning and sanitizing, and opportunities for temperature checks throughout your stay.

Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 While Flying

There’s a lot of information and misinformation being spread about travel these days. That’s why members of the travel industry are taking action themselves. “Our team at Travel COVID Safe (TCS) has recently begun supporting a new private-industry travel cooperative named Safe Travel Pathways,” Suero says. This cooperative acts as a clearinghouse to identify the more serious travel companies that have been certified and audited for safety.

Aside from that, there are several common-sense precautions that travelers can take when choosing to fly during the pandemic. Drake recommends flying business class on international flights, which limits the number of people sharing an enclosed space. She encourages travelers to bring sanitizing wipes and wipe down anything you might touch, from your seatbelt to the touch-screen TV. And she reminds travelers to take those same precautions when checking into a hotel.

While traveling right now isn’t the right choice for everyone, if the coronavirus pandemic is giving you cabin fever and you need to get away, a trip to Mexico might be just the thing. Between the convenience of flights with minimal stopovers, the travel industry’s commitment to guest safety, plus a reasonable re-entry policy for Americans, Mexico can offer you a relaxing trip with appropriate precautions, letting you get some R&R without bringing coronavirus home with you.

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