
Treasure Thompson Talks Enhancing Fertility, Orgasms & More Through Use Of Yoni Eggs

treasure thompson

Source: Treasure Thompson / Treasure Thompson

As women, we experience all types of issues regarding our vaginal health and reproductive system. Many women experience endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, painful sex, vaginal prolapse and these things can be healed holistically. Treasure Gemz CEO Treasure Thompson is all about helping her fellow woman heal from these issues through holistic remedies. In 2016, she launched her business Treasure Gemz, a holistic healing business that focuses on helping women achieve optimal vaginal and reproductive health through the use of yoni eggs, yoni steaming and her own creation, yoni erotic yoga. Thompson believes that the womb is the nucleus of the body, so her yoni eggs are made of crystals and stones that have healing properties. Her yoni eggs are made from amethyst, red jasper, rose quartz, black obsidian and nephrite.

Besides the yoni eggs, Thompson also sells an organic herbal blended tea for the womb that has healing abilities as well. It’s a multi-blend tea that supports healthy discharge, reduces swelling and promotes vaginal sensitivity while also increasing fertility.

I spoke to Thompson about her business and the  benefits of addressing womb health holistically through the use of stones, crystals, teas and her erotic yoni yoga. Read below.

What made you go into the yoni egg business?

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Source: Treasure Thompson / Treasure Thompson

I came out of the strip club industry. I became a mother at 16 so my first son was starting to get older and notice that I was in the strip club. It was more of a mental thing for me. I wanted to change myself not just for me but also for my kid. So I was looking into things that would redirect my energy and take my attention off my serious addictions which was the nightlife, being out, drinking and partying. My infatuation with crystals came from my mother. I remember vaguely a lot about her. She passed away when I was nine. She always had a lot of crystals around. I remember her having amethyst, black obsidian and things like that. So I was like maybe I can find myself by trying to get closer to my mother and I started researching the stones. From the research it became an infatuation. Before I knew it I was pretty much an advocate for the yoni eggs. I was promoting them consistently. This was back in 2015 and I launched my business in 2016. Everybody was like ‘what is that? I’m not putting nothing in my p****.’ I think it was that my friends saw the genuine transition not only in myself but in my lifestyle. Everything evolved around each other. I created Yoni Yoga myself for the use of the yoni egg to do specific positions that promote vaginal strengthening for women.  Everybody was like where do you get them from? I didn’t have [any] so I started selling them. Recently, I shaped my own special yoni egg which I call the “p**** grenade.” It enhances the sensitivity (in the vagina). I’m all for women. I am creating our own ecstasy.

What are some success stories you’ve heard?

Other than women getting pregnant which was an extreme thing, especially for the women I worked with over 27. Some of them have been on birth control for so long they didn’t know how to correct their reproductive system and they were pretty much all out of wack. Each stone has natural healing elements. The black obsidian stone has a healing property that helps heal from past life traumas like abortions, miscarriages and things like that. The love stone is the rose quartz. Then there’s the fully abundant stone which is the nephrite, which is also the first stone ever used internally by a woman. It’s the heaviest of the collection and it’s larger. It’s the best stone for women who are trying to heal from anything, that are trying to attract money, if you are trying to rid yourself from addictions. That’s the stone that gives a little bit of everything. I’ve had people who had extreme cramping or heavy bleeding on their cycle and with the steaming and yoni egg combination the cramps have almost subsided completely. If you have extreme cramping from endometriosis, if you have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), I promote the steaming and the yoni egg combination. You can be maintaining your PH and preventing bacterial vaginosis and things like that by using natural and organic products.

Do you recommend the yoni pearl?

I have had several women come to me and I have had to re-correct their problems after using the detox pearls. I do not sell them and I do not promote them. Nothing should just be sitting in your vagina (for days). The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. You can assist it, like with the steaming. I don’t recommend them. I can’t actually see what the herbs are so I can’t identify them. So I’m not going to put it inside of my body. 

The stones are in the egg?

Yoni eggs

Source: Treasure Thompson / Treasure Thompson

It’s an actual stone that comes from the earth and those already have healing and protective powers.  They are shaped into an egg and polished. All of mine are beginner-friendly so they are drilled and have a string so you can easily put the egg in and out like a tampon. You can do kegels on it. You can leave it in for four to six hours a day and do your regular daily activities. It’s just like lifting weights. 

What is Erotic Yoni Yoga?

It’s one-on-one classes right now because we can’t [be in the] studio. Within my transition from dancing, I started to lose that [connection] to my sexuality. I was more cautious of how I was displayed but I started to realize just because I am more spiritual and more aligned it doesn’t mean I have to lose my sexy. I still have skills that people want to learn from. I incorporated them together. [In the class] you put your yoni egg in and we do erotic dance and sensual movements. With erotic yoni yoga, we are listening to slow songs and pretty much air f****** but still doing yoga poses. We do them erotically. I have all ages of women in my classes. You can never be too old to be sexy. I would prefer for (women in the class) to use the yoni egg. 

Does the yoni egg help with reducing pain during sex?

I recommend steaming. I think that would relax the muscles if you have pain during intercourse and it also adds to the sensitivity. If you’re experiencing numbness during sex, then you need the nephrite yoni egg which are awesome at enhancing sensitivity inside your vagina. The nephrite is the heaviest and it gives you the fastest turnaround. 

How long does it take for a woman using the yoni egg to see results?

Each woman is different and it depends on the depth of your vaginal canal. The shortest span that I have heard is two days. The longest I have heard is 10 days. With consistent use, you can notice changes in the first three days. People also have to be cautious that these are stones. Yes they are natural and organic. As long as they are cleaned properly and stored properly when you insert them into your vagina they are still a foreign object. You have to be mindful of how much time you leave them in because you do not want to offset your body. Your body will start to fight. [I recommend] four to six hours a day for beginners. Muscle memory is very serious. Once you start to use your yoni egg consistently, you will contract naturally and consistently be mimicking these motions. If you go four to six hours Monday through Friday, then by Friday you will definitely notice a change. You can also use yoni eggs while you’re having sex and it enhances the sexual experience for both partners. Men love it! You do have to be cautious when you’re having sex though. You shouldn’t have rough sex. 

The small yoni eggs start at $29.99 and they go up to $55. See her products here.

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