
Mathew Knowles Was Very Spicy About The Comparison Between Beyoncé & Chloe Bailey

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - June 18, 2019

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

For years now, people have been saying that both Chloe and Halle sound like their mentor, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter. Personally, I don’t think they do but the folks have been chatting. And you need only look or listen to the comments on social media to find evidence of this fact.

So many would have thought that it was a fair question to ask Mathew Knowles, Beyoncé’s father and her former manager during the Destiny’s Child days and during the early years of Beyoncé’s solo career.

That’s exactly what journalist Leah A. Henry did when she had a chance to speak to Knowles recently.

Perhaps Mathew was not familiar with the conversation because he took even the suggestion that Chloe’s talent being compared to Beyoncé’s as an insult.

See how the conversation went down.

Leah A. Henry: A lot of people online speculate—obviously Chloe and Halle are Beyoncé’s protégées – people constantly compare Chloe to Beyoncé, a younger Beyoncé. Do you see the comparison? The same thing that you saw in Beyoncé, do you see that in Chloe Bailey?

Mathew Knowles: You’ve got to be kidding me right? You’re asking me that question. Are you actually serious? That you’re comparing that young lady to Beyoncé? Talent wise? Are you telling me talent wise somebody is idiot enough to compare her to Beyoncé talent wise?

Leah: They say she’s a young Beyoncé in the making.

Mathew: I’m asking you a yes or no question.  Are you telling me someone is idiot enough to compare her to Beyoncé talent wise? It’s a yes or no. Are there people saying her talent is equal to Beyonce? They’re an idiot, period. That’s actually insulting to Beyoncé. If you wanted to call out Barbara Streishand or some people like that…like come on, man.

Leah: Chloe is talented though. That’s why Beyoncé picked her.

Mathew: I want to get off this topic. I don’t even want to talk about.

I understand that you have to ride for your kids. Still, I’m surprised that Mathew responded in this way. It was a bit crass. Most people aren’t saying Chloe is more talented than Beyoncé.  They’re saying she’s like a younger version.

I don’t like to compare artists like this. There’s room for everyone and I doubt we’ll see the likes of another Beyonce in our life time. I believe she’s the best living entertainer we have. Still, Chloe has her own talent. And it would have been nice if Mathew could have acknowledged that. The girl literally composes and produces many of ChloexHalle’s songs in addition to singing them.

She can get her props. And Mathew could have acknowledged this and also mentioned the fact that he doesn’t think anyone is touching his daughter right now.

But all the rah rah was so extra.

Mathew has been in the music industry for a minute now. I was expecting a bit more finesse than this—particularly for an artist his daughter has been endorsing for years now.

You can listen to Mathew’s comments in the video below.

You can also check out the full interview, which went much better than the moment above, in the video.

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