
After 27 Years Of Marriage, Blair Underwood And Désirée DeCosta Call It Quits: ‘It Has Truly Been A Beautiful Journey’

"When They See Us" World Premiere

Source: John Lamparski / Getty

Shared via a joint statement posted on social media over the weekend, actor Blair Underwood and his wife of 27 years Désirée DeCosta have decided to end their marriage.

“After a tremendous amount of thought, prayer, and work on ourselves individually and collectively,” the former couple’s statement from Sunday, May 31 began, “we have come to the conclusion to end our marriage that began 27 years ago. It has truly been a beautiful journey.”

“Our proudest achievements are our three incredible children,” it continued, speaking on Paris Underwood, 24, Brielle Underwood, 22, and Blake Underwood, 19. “Three souls to which God entrusted us. We continue to be awed and humbled by the blessings of parenting. We have always put their best interest first and will continue to do so.”

Furthermore, Underwood, 56, and DeCosta, 52, noted their plans to split amicably — hoping to remain”the best of friends” and be good co-parents to their children despite them going their different ways.

“We will continue to be the best of friends and co-parents and have the utmost respect for one another as we embark upon this new chapter of our lives, separately,” the message concluded. “We thank you for all your support throughout the years and we humbly ask for privacy and understanding during this new season of change.”

The two tied the knot back in 1994. When speaking with back in 2008 about how seeing his dad as the breadwinner during his childhood impacted the dynamic he had with DeCosta within their marriage, Underwood told the outlet, “I wanted to be her rock, her protector. If she had a problem, I wanted to solve it. I thought that’s what was expected of me.”

Noting that later down the line he learned that DeCosta didn’t need him to have all the answers and solutions to her problems — but rather sought his support, the actor added, “I was relieved as well; she didn’t expect me to always have an answer for her. She wasn’t coming to me for a repair. She just needed a shoulder to cry on.”

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