
Step into Libra Season: It’s Galactic! Cosmic Love Letters by Naimonu

Libra Season

Source: Charly Palmer


Libra Season is a time of balance, of we. How do we come together at a time like this? How do we move apart?

As Libra season enlightens the realm of our relations, connections and ideations, it must also bring light to our individuality. And we’ve gotten unique y’all. All the isolation and time away from others has given many of us opportunity to get to know ourselves with greater depth than usual. And we’ve had opportunity to learn about what our relationship needs are as we’ve navigated intense restrictions on relating. How many of us learned how we took touch for granted when we had to go weeks without?

How many of us realized how much we enjoy alone time? Our house? Our pet(s)? As a collective we’ve become more individual and this will change our relationships.

Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself since March 2020. Reflect on how you’ve changed, become more specific and more clear on who you are and what your relationship needs are. Give a quick thank you to Chiron in Aries.

Then–use this blessèd insight to change your relationships to fit who you have become and who you are becoming. Reflect! Get present! Get present, how will you know who you are if you are stuck in the past or in the imagined future?

THIS is an auspicious time to alchemize your relationships and to clear the airs (reminder, Libra is an air sign and we are holding Saturn in air-sign, Aquarius as well).

Do it now. Not tomorrow, not next year when ‘things are less wild,’ not when you find a replacement boo. Now. For TRUST–when I tell you–Scorpio season through the end of the year shall be intensive. So let it/them/that effed up relationship narrative go.

Take a deep breath, because your courage will be rewarded. And when, a few moons from now or many, you are encircled in the embrace of those who love you, cherish you and uplift you as you are, when your breath catches and you wonder if you deserve all this–remember Libra season 2021.

Remember the choices you made and the work you did now, and rest yourself back into those radiant relations, knowing full well the universe is blessing you for your willingness to flow with it and flow with yourself.

Beloved, I can feel the spark of life about you. Feel your shine. And I know it was/is/may forever be hard, but I’m so grateful you are becoming you. Thank you.



Naimonu is a non-binary (THEY/THEM) quantum astologer whose mission is to spread love across space and time. Can you feel it? Bless!

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