
After Being Sued By Her Sister Just Last Month For $1.25M, Mariah Carey Is Now Being Sued By Her Brother

mariah carey brother

Source: Barry King / Getty

Following the lawsuit filed against her by her sister early last month, new reports state that Mariah Carey is now additionally being sued by her brother Morgan Carey. In both cases, the singer’s siblings cited the way they were portrayed in her 2020 memoir The Meaning Of Mariah Carey as being problematic and false.

As per court documents acquired by TMZ, Morgan highlighted excerpts from his sister’s book which he claims depicted him as someone with a violent temper. From what could be gathered, Mariah’s recollections in the book of two separate incidents — one involving Morgan and their father, then another involving Morgan and their mother — as being the causes of the brother’s lawsuit. If you were wondering, TMZ detailed “defamation and [the] intentional infliction of emotional distress” as claims Morgan cited against his famous sister.

The first passage Morgan highlighted was the one involving him and his father. According to him, the timeframe Mariah said the incident happened was inaccurate. He also said that the singer’s claim “twelve cops,” responded to the alleged dispute between him and his father was plainly untrue. All the being considered, Mariah had written in her book about the memory, “It took twelve cops to pull my brother and father apart. The big bodies of men, all entangled like a swirling hurricane, crashed loudly into the living room. I was a little girl with very few memories of a big brother who protected me. More often, I felt I had to protect myself from him, and sometimes I would find myself protecting my mother from him too.”

If you recall, in July of last year Mariah had announced the completion of her book via Instagram. The beginning of the statement read, “It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments. The ups and downs. The triumphs and the traumas. The debacle and the dreams that contributed to the person that I am today.” Later, the singer described writing in her book by saying, “I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice.”

For the record, Mariah’s sister is also suing the star for “emotional distress.” Unfortunately, both of cases the singer faces against her siblings boil down to they said, she said. At the end of the day though, regardless of who the courts rule is telling the truth — it sounds like their whole family could benefit from a little court order meditation.

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