It looks like old times…President Obama and Vice President Biden sitting in an office, shooting the ….ish. Only this time, this is a campaign video and the ish appears to be related to the current occupant of the Oval Office. Released today, the campaign video puts the former President and presumptive Presidential nominee in socially distant positions in the Obama office as they discuss the stark differences between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Video conversation topics ranged from effective leadership and relatability. President Obama told his Vice President, “One of the things that I have always known about you Joe, it’s the reason why I wanted you to be my Vice President and the reason why you were so effective. It all starts with being able to relate.”
With limited effort on his part, Joe Biden has Donald Trump on the defense. The handling of the pandemic by the Trump administration has done most of the heavy lifting for Biden. Today’s latest video brings Obama and Biden together for the first time this campaign season. It seeks to remind voters what a real Presidential and Vice Presidential partnership looks like, even in the age of coronavirus. COVID-19 — a virus exacerbated by a man who, as the video pointed out, took no responsibility for the slow rollout of testing and other measures.