
Charlamagne Says Derrick Jaxn’s Karma Caught Up To Him, Calls Him Out For Not Protecting Wife: “You Put Her In The Line Of Fire”

Derrick Jaxn mistresses

Source: Steven Ferdman/Getty Images; Paras Griffin/Getty Images / Getty

Radio and TV personality Charlamagne has some pretty strong thoughts regarding the scandal that’s unfolded around social media relationship guru Derrick Jaxn. The Breakfast Club co-host has been the subject of criticisms from Jaxn in the past, so he not only made the embattled online personality “Donkey of the Day” on the popular radio show, but he also had a field day on his podcast saying karma came back to bite him. Charlamagne called his behavior and the hypocrisy of his work “a level of evil. It’s some tyrannical, sociopathic sh-t that he’s doing.”

On a recent episode of Brilliant Idiots with Andrew Schulz, Charlamagne explained how it was only a matter of time before Jaxn was exposed.

“He literally sh-ts on men. It’s like a level of narcissism where he purposely doesn’t try to understand where another man is coming from as if he’s never made any mistakes whatsoever. And then he mischaracterizes people as well and he does it all for the benefit of his own pocket. So what you’re witnessing right now…is all of that energy coming back,” he said. “One entity that you can’t fool is God. You can’t fool the universe. What you give to the universe, the universe will give back to you. The universe knows when you’re full of sh-t. the universe knows! You may can fool me, you can fool the public, you can fool your wife – the universe knows, bruh! So when you out there saying you don’t have no sympathy for men that cheat on their wives? Guess what you’re experiencing right now Derrick? No sympathy.”

Charlamagne also said he found it unfair that to tell the truth about what he’d been doing, he had to drag his wife into the mix and expose her to trolls online. “You should be ashamed of yourself Derrick Jaxn,” he said as video of Da’Naia Jackson played of her responding to criticism from people about everything from staying in her marriage to her appearance.

“You put her in the line of fire. We all know how cruel social media can be. She had nothing to do with this,” he said. “You’re using her as a human shield and she had nothing to do with this. She wasn’t there with you when you was cheating so she shouldn’t be there for the apology and clean up and all of that. You gotta hold yourself accountable.”

Overall, despite a reported increase in followers online, Charlamagne said only those who lack good sense would continue to support Jaxn after what has come out.

“Derrick gon’ have to get a job,” he said. “I don’t think there’s a lane for him after this. I just don’t see it. I personally don’t see it for him. I don’t see how anybody that’s of sound mind can continue to listen to anything he has to say about relationships or otherwise because the guy is a liar.”

As for Jaxn, he’s remained quiet online since responding to his own confessional video with his wife, after attempting to publicly defend her, and following his mistress saying he contacted her after that viral video. With quite a big mess to clean up privately and publicly, staying quiet is probably the best way to go.

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