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Democrats Need to Be Bold and Make a Decision that will move the Country Forward.

LaTosha Brown, Co-Founder of Black Voters Matter, issued this statement in response to Democrats’ VP Selection Process

“America is ready for a new paradigm shift in politics. Vice President Kamala Harris as a presidential hopeful has brought renewed energy and an infusion of money into this presidential election that surpasses anything this country has seen. Her candidacy is evidence that voters want a New America – not defined by gender or race or sex – but one that really represents all of us at our best.

It is time that we think outside of the box that we have allowed to define what makes a winning presidential ticket. The traditional, straight Christian white man as the epitome of American leadership can no longer be the default. While President Obama turned that model on its head in 2008, Kamala Harris and her VP pick have the opportunity to dismantle it once and for all.

The American people – young and old – are ready for something different. They do not want the straight white man ticket. This traditional political formula is not applicable in these times and we cannot let fear of losing this race make us cling to a paradigm that no longer serves us. Straight white men have never been able to save this nation by themselves. While they have been the face of political leadership for decades, America has never moved forward without the prodding, pushing and creative leadership of a diverse group of Americans, particularly women and communities of color. Our nominees should reflect this truth.

If Governor Whitmer and Sec. Pete Buttigieg are polling at the top of the VP list, it is a sign that we don’t have to hold ourselves to the established model of leadership. Let’s be open to new possibilities that reflect the essence of our country and the will of the people. 

Trump was appealing to the right because he was different. He did not fit the typical frame and he has made that image work for him to our detriment.

The question Democrats should ask is do they have the courage to stick to their principles of inclusion, think outside the box and be radical in thought and action? And I think we can. If there were ever a time to think outside the box, with the threats we face in a second Trump presidency, now is that time.

We can’t base our current politics on the politics of the past. Democrats need to be bold and make a decision that will move us forward.

Racism and sexism still exist but that does not mean we cannot be bold and get out of our comfort zones to move the country forward. Now is our chance.”


Rest in Power, Rep Sheila Jackson Lee Fighter, Voice of the People

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