In episode two of season thirteen of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” the newest cast members, Drew Sidora and LaToya Ali were both introduced to viewers and well, they gave us quite a bit to talk about. For one, both women are experiencing serious trouble within their marriages. LaToya is presently separated and Drew, while still with her spouse, is frequently threatened by divorce.
“We’re getting a divorce every other day,” Drew told Marlo, Cynthia, and LaToya during a visit at Lake Bailey. “My husband will say we’re getting a divorce. We’ll say, ‘Okay, we’re getting our own places and lawyers..’ Last week, he left and didn’t tell me where he was. He was gone for like three days. My husand is a runner.”
In addition to their turbulent marriages, it appears that there could be some tension brewing between Drew and Kenya and possibly LaToya and Cynthia, but only time will tell.
Continue reading for our top ten highlights from episode two.
Kenya and LaToya have bonded over their troubled marriages
Kenya Moore and LaToya Ali have very obviously hit things off in a major way, which is interesting since the former pageant queen has a habit of shading the new women that join the series. It appears that the two have bonded over the shared experience of being at the end of their marriages. It’s also pretty clear that Cynthia is jealous of their newfound friendship.