
Erica Mena Doesn’t Regret Wendy Williams Tweet: ‘For Years I Stood Quiet When It Comes To This Creature’s Nasty Statements’

erica mena and wendy williams

Source: Taylor Hill/Getty; Rob Kim/Getty / Getty

Erica Mena apparently wasn’t finished sharing her opinion Wendy Williams’ coverage of the Instagram Live she posted earlier this week. Following up on the now-viral tweets the reality star posted yesterday where she said she was ready to physically fight Wendy, now Erica is saying more.

If you recall, the whole mess got started when Erica and her husband Safaree Samuels shared the news that they were expecting a second child together. Being unhappy with the critical comments people were making about their marriage and the baby announcement, Erica posted an Instagram Live on May 4 where she said it was sad people chose to leave “negative and nasty” comments under the couple’s posts about the new blessing joining their family.

“Social media consists of a lot of nasty, disgusting souls,” she had said at one point in the Live.

When Wendy covered what Erica had to say during the Hot Topics portion of her show on May 5, the TV host advised that Erica and Safaree should “grow up and grow into being parents,” — and if the couple couldn’t do so then they should “just get a divorce and co-parent.”

Feeling the need to respond to Wendy’s commentary, yesterday morning Erica posted a series of tweets addressing the topic — the first being aimed at Wendy directly. The tweet, which was a jab that referenced the host’s ex-husband Kevin Hunter — who allegedly abused her while they were married — read, “@WendyWilliams At this point let’s link up so I can beat your a–. Your ex-husband didn’t do a good job enough.”

All that context explained, earlier this morning Erica shared more of her thoughts on Wendy’s coverage. Noting that she wasn’t sorry for what she tweeted about the host yesterday morning, the reality star referred to Wendy as a “creature” throughout her latest tweets and said that she feels the host shouldn’t be talking about anyone’s marriage since her and Kevin’s didn’t work out. As explained, Erica said she was tired of Wendy’s “attacks” on women.

“There was nothing more to really report on hot topics besides we are expecting another blessing,” Erica’s tweet this morning said. “But as always this creature always wants to give advice on marriage, a subject she failed at. She never attacks the men who actually are at fault. It’s always her going at women.”

Highlighting that she’s been a topic of discussion on Wendy’s Hot Topics before but has never come for the host the way she did yesterday, Erica specified, “Me being one any chance she gets. For years I stood quiet when it comes to this creature’s nasty statements. This time I played her own game. I don’t regret or take back anything. No one is going to constantly disrespect me and put limits on how I disrespect back.”

“Me irrelevant?” she said sarcastically in the latest tweet on the drama, before adding,” Lol but all this attention and the opinions floating around strongly prove otherwise. All I did was announce we’ve created more life and since then it’s been ugly energy. It really is a sick sad world y’all live in.”

As mentioned yesterday, we’ll keep you updated as this story progresses and/or if Wendy responds.

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