For the past few weeks, we’ve watched the three couples on OWN’s Put A Ring On It put their relationships to the ultimate tests while figuring out what hurdles they need to overcome before deciding to walk down the aisle. On the show, we watch as couples explore other options and go on dates with other people as a tool to help them strengthen their own relationship. With relationship coaching from Dr. Nicole LaBeach, each couple confronts the problems that plague their union and figure out if they are meant for holy matrimony or need to part ways.
While all the couples are struggling with trust issues, LaRhonda and Shon’s issues are a bit different as Shon has a hard time trusting himself. They came to the show because Shon has a hard time dealing with LaRhonda being the top money maker and wants to make sure that he can meet her halfway not only financially but in the relationship as a whole.
In this exclusive clip below, you see Shon reflect on his latest date with a woman named Brittany. When Dr. LaBeach asked him how it went, his face lights up. During their date at a recording studio, Shon, who is a comedian, had great chemistry with Brittany, who is also in the entertainment business, and said is afraid of putting himself in a situation that is “hard to come out of.”
Tune in to Put A Ring On It on OWN on Fridays at 10:00 PM EST. Watch the clip below.