
Frustrating Female-Specific Quarantine Issues

quarantine problems funny

Source: Charday Penn / Getty

Being home all day, every day, can come with some very specific issues for women. Being home, all day, every day, with a man is its own little version of hell. Sometimes. Being home, all day, every day, with a partner and children…that’s just not natural. But it’s what we’re experiencing. And, as is so often the case, being a woman is making something already hard just a little bit more difficult.


I didn’t realize how much modern, active, vibrant, open society/economy contributed to me getting the creature comforts I needed, and the mental wellness activities I depended on. I have my routines. I have my rhythms. Being stuck at home all day certainly doesn’t cater to them, and having a man around, watching everything I do, consulting me on every decision, and hovering above my every move definitely doesn’t fit in with my typical plans.


There are just some very female-specific issues that only women understand about being in quarantine. Like these.


Forgetting tampons on the grocery run

You’re trying to only go to the grocery store every two weeks or so. That’s how you can stay away from exposure to the virus. So, what happens if you make a grocery run, forget to buy tampons, and realize your period will be arriving in…one week. That’s one week earlier than you planned on making any other store runs. Now if you’re going to make a special trip just for tampons or pads, you have to explain to everyone in the house why you have to return to the store. And it’s not like you want to go back and risk exposure.

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