
How To Help Him Last Longer In Bed

how to last longer in bedroom

Source: Delmaine Donson / Getty

How long “should” a man last in bed? It’s a topic that fascinates many. Even prestigious educational and research institutions are not above looking into the matter. Narrowing it down hasn’t been easy for most. Research that surveyed hundreds of couples found that men last anywhere from 55 seconds to 44 minutes! Some might think that first figure is way too short and the latter is way too long. In fact, some may even say that the guy who lasts 55 seconds might suffer from premature ejaculation (that’s what the medical community says), while the one who lasts 44 minutes…just isn’t that into it? The median figure comes in at around five-and-a-half minutes, but keep in mind that’s the median – not the norm.

If you do have a partner who tends to finish too quickly, it can really put a strain on your relationship. You may begin to resent your partner, seeing as he always orgasms and you (probably) never do – at least not through intercourse, that is. A man who finishes quickly can come off as inconsiderate in bed, even if he can’t really help it. And it is worth discovering if this issue has to do with a lack of concern for your pleasure or a real inability to control himself. If it’s the first thing, get out of there! If it’s the latter, then maybe have patience with the guy. The physical issue you can address easily…ish. Here are ways to help him last longer in bed.

how to last longer in bedroom

Source: Adene Sanchez / Getty

Do it more

What happens when you have sex with a guy who hasn’t done it in a while? He might warn you: “It’s been a while.” Or what about the guy who finishes rapidly? His excuse might be, “Sorry. It’s been a long time since I had sex.” Hey, at least they’re being honest. And it’s a truth worth remembering if you’re in a committed relationship. If your partner doesn’t get laid nearly as much as he would like to, then by the time it comes around, his penis could be extremely sensitive. He’ll also just be so excited, like a virgin again. So, if you want your partner to last longer, make sure you aren’t withholding sex for so long that by the time he has it, his body, er, prematurely reacts.

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