The Journal of Sex Research shows that sexual satisfaction is linked to communication about sex. And yet, experts in the psychology community at Psychology Today acknowledge that talking about what goes on in the bedroom is difficult even for couples who have great communication in other areas. Now, when we talk about sexual communication, maybe we think of telling our partner what we want in bed. We think about expressing fantasies we’d like to play out, or even just mentioning something our partner does that doesn’t work for us. And, sure, that’s all a part of it. But you also have to realize that, when you get physically intimate with somebody, you’ve put some of the responsibility over your health in somebody else’s hands. Sex is as intimate as it gets and you are allowing the habits and choices of somebody else to potentially impact your body.
If you’re in a long-term, committed relationship, you probably already talk to your partner about some of his lifestyle choices that could impact you. You ask him, for example, to remember to lock the door at night so burglars don’t get in and so you can stay safe. You ask him if you can, as a household, switch to a healthier diet since you make meals together. So, what about talking to your partner about the things he does in the bedroom that affect your body? Specifically, your vagina. Here are his habits that are bad for your vagina. If he’s doing them, say something.
Not washing his hands
Your man has to wash his hands before putting them anywhere near your lady parts. Remember that urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract, which can happen from several kinds of sexual activity – including fingering. Women have shorter urethras than men, which Mayo Clinic says makes for a shorter journey to the bladder, and higher risk of UTIs in women. Think of all of the things your guy might do before you get in bed, from handling raw meat while cooking you dinner to grabbing nasty subway rails on the way over. He needs to wash his hands thoroughly before touching you.