
“I Needed My Moment To Heal” Nia Riley Explains Why She’s Speaking Out About Soulja Boy’s Abuse

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Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

Yesterday, we posted about Soulja Boy kicking Nia Riley in her stomach causing her to miscarry a baby they shared together. But there was so much more to her interview with Tasha K. That was far from the only incident she experienced with him. During the hour-plus conversation, Riley shared some horrifying details about her six-year relationship with Soulja Boy, including her posting her nudes online, beating her when the two didn’t have sex the night before, and why she resented the way people made light  of the abuse Soulja Boy we all witnessed on “Marriage Bootcamp.”

See what she had to say below.

Putting a gun to her head

Tasha: The gun to your head…what happened?

Nia Riley: I wanted to leave. I was trying to leave. I had pepper sprayed him one day, really bad. He tried to take shower. And it f*cked him up really bad. I want to say it was the same day. He had charged at me. So I pepper sprayed him. I had it under my pillow. His barber came after our whole little incident. So I said, ‘I know this n*gga’s haircuts take like an hour.’ I’m trying make sure he couldn’t see me from certain mirrors. And I packed my bag. It’s a crazy situation to try to get out of. So I was just sitting there, watching, watching, watching. He hadn’t moved. He didn’t get up for nothing. I got up, got my bag. I walked down stairs. And I felt him press it [the gun] against the back of my head. And I just sat down. I sat on the steps for a couple of hours. He was sitting behind me.

Tasha K: With the gun?

Nia Riley: Yeah. And he had friends there that would sit there and watch him. Nobody ever said anything. It was just crazy. It was something that was private and just us, if we were home. But if his friends were there, he didn’t care.

Tasha: So you mean to tell me there were grown men who were there and them n*ggas didn’t do sh*t?

Nia Riley: They didn’t do anything. No one did anything. I won’t say they all enable each other but that’s how it feels.

Tasha: You’re like this is crazy and everybody else is acting like this is normal.

Nia: They were like ‘oh sh*t’ and then went back to smoking or drinking or on the phone or doing whatever. It was like our normal. ‘Oh they’re fighting. They’ll be over it.’

Tasha: What did he say to you when he put the gun to your head?

Nia: He asked me where the f*ck I thought I was going. And I didn’t say anything. I just sat down because I knew what it was.

Tasha: Do you think he would have pulled the trigger?

Nia: I don’t know. I know he wasn’t mentally stable so who knows? If you are in the space where you feel like you could kill yourself, who are you to give a f*ck about me? I don’t know. I didn’t know and it wasn’t something I was willing to risk.

Tasha: What did you do when you finally got up?

Nia: I left still. I think he realized how badly I wanted to go because I cried. And [after about an hour on the steps with Soulja Boy behind her] I got up and I left. It took a while but I left, that same day. That was pretty much my breaking point.

Tasha: Does your daddy know about the gun?

Nia: I don’t think so. I’ve never publicly said anything about that. And honestly, I haven’t thought about it in so long. I forget about a lot of things that happened in that relationship. I think that’s just the way I dealt with it.

Tasha: How long were you with him?

Nia: I got with him in 2013 and it officially over, over after the “Marriage Bootcamp” thing. (2019.) When “Marriage Bootcamp” aired, we were still on speaking terms, kind of. Then when it aired, that was 2019. That was the last time I spoke to him.

Tasha: Has he tried to contact you since?

Nia: Not that I know of. There could have been ways but he knows how badly I wanted to speak up and say something. Because I said something to him after we left that house. He proposed and I didn’t do anything with it. I didn’t post no pictures. I didn’t say I’m engaged. Because [he] got no healing out of this [the Marriage Bootcamp therapy/experience]. Nothing. And he just didn’t understand why I wasn’t excited, posting him or calling him my fiancé or boyfriend. I was like, ‘You’re the same person. You haven’t changed.’ I can’t keep giving you more and more of me. I’m exhausted. That was pretty much the end of us.

I feel like my truth is more important than trying to protect somebody who never cared about me.

His other accusers

Nia: I hate the jokes sometimes. It’s not a funny situation. These are coming out saying he’s done this and that and people don’t believe it. Believe it. Believe it! Because it’s going to keep happening and I don’t think that’s fair.

Tasha: Do you think people just don’t take him serious?

Nia: In a sense I think that. But it’s not even just him. Any time a guy is put on blast for doing something like this, I don’t think it’s taken serious. Or the victims are made out to be liars or you just want money. Why you just now saying something? That’s not fair. They’re victims but they’re turned into villains. Me being on the show, I was the one bashed and dragged through the mud. But he’s the one cheating and got me looking crazy. But I’m the bad person. And what hurt even more is looking at women who look just like me, or like they could be in my family are talking to me like this. There was no support for me.

I’ve been silent and to myself for a long time. But I needed my moment to heal. And I’m there.

You can listen to the full interview in the video below.

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