
Lori Harvey Says Michael B. Jordan Is A ‘Test Model’ (AKA Guinea Pig) For Her New Skincare Line

The City Girls Labor Day Weekend Takeover

Source: Prince Williams / Getty

Model and all-around “IT” girl Lori Harvey recently shared that she’s dropping a skincare line. While giving us details on her beauty routine and how the new venture came together, the 24-year-old also mentioned that her boyfriend, actor Michael B. Jordan, has been testing it out the new line and getting good feedback on his results.

Appearing on Vogue’s hit Beauty Secrets YouTube series, Lori started off in the video by using a facial cleanser she developed for the upcoming line. While noting she didn’t want the cleanser to be harsh because of her sensitive skin, she said on the product, “I wanted to create a cleanser that had a low pH so it didn’t leave my skin feeling stripped or dry after.”

As she rubbed in a serum full of hyaluronic acid in her following step amidst the skincare portion of her routine, she explained that she hasn’t been the only one trying out her new line along the products’ various stages of development. She told viewers, “I tested all my products of course on myself but I also tested them on my boyfriend. He’s become my live test model so now he very into his skincare routine as well.” According to her, the actor even mentioned “‘The makeup artists compliment my skin now.’”

“I’ve pretty much got all the men in my life on a skincare regimen, my dad included,” she added later in the video. While her father’s skincare routine apparently consisted of doing “nothing” in the past, Lori told watchers that he’s really been feeling the products and that his skin’s made noticeable progress.

“I was like ‘Okay, I’ll help you out here,’” she said recalling her decision to put him on a regime. “I gave him all my products and he’s obsessed. If you were wondering why his skin looks so good lately it’s cause of me,” she added with a laugh.

According to Lori, the skincare line will be “coming out very soon.” To see the rest of her beauty routine and her ’90s inspired makeup routine, view it down below.

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