
More Than Jamie Foxx’ Daughter: Corinne Foxx Talks Self-Care, Embracing Change And Starring In Hulu’s ‘Dollface’

corinne foxx

Source: Courtesy of Corinne Foxx / other

As a co-host of the podcast Am I Doing This Right?, an actress, an executive producer, a host on the hit Fox TV show Beat Shazam and an ambassador for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Corinne Fox is multifaceted and way more than just Jamie Foxx’s daughter.

In a recent chat with MADAMENOIRE, the 27-year-old shared what she’s been doing to stay sane over the last year and a half (hint: it was lots of self-care), why making time for loved ones is more important than ever, and what you can expect from her in the upcoming second season of Hulu’s Dollface.

We also had the opportunity to discuss the star’s partnership with T.J. Maxx and the brand’s new pen pal program, The Change Exchange. As a part of The Maxx You Project, the new initiative is designed to help women connect with each other so they feel supported as they navigate moments of change. The deadline to sign-up for the pen pal program is Monday, Sept. 20.

Read more about Corinne and what she’s been up to down below.


MADAMENOIRE: I’d love to start off with hearing how the last year and a half has been for you… How has life been during the pandemic? 

Corinne Foxx: Honestly, thanks so much for asking! I’ve prioritized taking care of myself and checking in on those around me to make sure they’re doing okay. Staying connected to my loved ones has been really important to me during this time. 

MN: Yea, the pandemic has really taken a physical, mental, and emotional toll on everyone. 

The conversation surrounding Black women choosing to prioritize their mental health has been really mainstream within the last several months, like Naomi Osaka or Simone Biles. I know you’ve been open in the past about your personal struggles with anxiety. 

How does a busy woman like you find the time to implement self-care

Foxx: It can be hard. I try to schedule me-time and set aside part of my day for self-care because it’s crucial to me! I’ve found that journaling and meditating daily are amazing ways for me to cultivate self-love and prioritize my mental health. I even consider talking to my girlfriends as a form of self-care. They really uplift me and support me when I need it most. 

That’s why I think programs like The Change Exchange are so impactful — because they help connect women with other people to talk to when they may be going through a difficult time.

MN: A big part of the initiative and your partnership with T.J. Maxx is about helping women broaden their sense of community and support. Often we can be shy, overwhelmed, or too busy to put ourselves out there to others — especially in a vulnerable way. 

What about helping other women expand their support systems was important to you? 

Foxx: It’s really all about talking to women and helping them build authentic connections for me. Like I said, my girlfriends are everything to me – I genuinely don’t know what I’d be without them. T.J.Maxx’s The Change Exchange is special because its whole purpose is helping women connect and getting them support when they’re experiencing change. 

Especially during the past year and a half, it’s been difficult to meet new people and easy to feel isolated. I think a lot of us are craving safe spaces where we can be vulnerable and honest. 

The program is such an incredible way to open up with one another and build new, positive connections with other women – I’m excited to be a part of it.

MN: I know you’ll be hosting a virtual workshop on Saturday, Sept. 18, where you’ll discuss how to remain confident as one welcomes and embraces change. What are you hoping attendees will get out of the experience? 

Foxx: I think it’s so important that women are able to embrace change and feel confident as they navigate new seasons of life. Change can be scary, but it’s also an incredible time to feel empowered in yourself and build new communities of support along the way.

I’ll be co-hosting the workshop on T.J.Maxx’s Instagram this Saturday with my good friend Aija Mayrock, who is an incredible poet and activist. We’ll be giving women journal prompts so they can write about what they’ve gone through and talk about how transformative change can be. 

MN: You’re a very busy woman! I know Saturday’s event is just one of the many things you have going on. What are a few of the things that help motivate you to keep up with your workload on a day-to-day basis?

Foxx: I feel truly blessed that I’m able to work on so many projects that I feel passionate about. It’s so important to me to be a positive role model and to help people. Those two things drive a lot of the work I do. 

I have two sisters who are 12 and 13 and I want to help create a world for them where women feel empowered to be vulnerable and open about their mental health. I want it to be a world where we can genuinely lift each other up to achieve our goals. 

MN: Speaking of family, how was growing up with a dad in the business versus working with him now as a host on Beat Shazam

Did you always know you wanted to go into the entertainment industry? 

Foxx: I actually didn’t always know I wanted to go into acting! I went to USC [the University of Southern California] and studied Public Relations so I was on that path — but I just fell so in love with acting I knew I wanted to give it my all and pursue it.

Working with family has honestly been a dream come true. My dad gets super teary-eyed when he talks about us working together… it really is a blessing to be able to go to set and work with him.

MN: I know you’re also filming on the set of Dollface for Hulu — how’s that been going? Since you’re playing a new character, Ruby, what can you tell us about her?

Foxx: Dollface is going so well! The show is really centered around a network of female friends. Ruby is a really fun and entertaining character to play in that dynamic. 

Being on the set is also so incredible. It’s a female-led cast, with female directors and producers and a female creator. It really makes for such a positive, supportive environment to work in!

MN: I’m sure you have a billion other projects in the works — what can you tell us about what we can expect from you in the future?

Foxx: Aside from Dollface, I’m looking to produce more and have some exciting projects in the works that I can’t say too much about right now! 

But I will say, I think it’s so important to make opportunities for women and women of color happen. That’s 100% my goal with the future projects I work on.

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