
RHOA: Kenya Might Be Carrying This Season, But What She Won’t Do Is Pay For Drew’s Check

kenya moore drew sidora

Source: Bravo / Getty

Last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta wasn’t as juicy as some of the most recent ones we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks. That being said, it did bring up an interesting point of contention between an unlikely duo — Kenya Moore and Drew Sidora — who just so happened to grab dinner together. After watching, now all we want to know is — would you ever let Kenya pick up your dinner tab if you were Drew?

Now keep it all the way real — love her or hate her, Kenya has been running this season. If you recall, she was the one who organized the RHOA ladies to go on their getaway trip to South Carolina — one which has spanned most of the season thus far. Luckily for viewers, the trip also gave us one of the most entertaining and scandalous moments of RHOA history — #Strippergate. As a side note, while we’ve also seen Kenya seemingly make up with her old frienemy Marlo this season, we’ve also watched episode after episode as the Gone With The Wind Fabulous diva has escalated old tensions with her other friend/foe, Porsha.

As season 13’s cast newbies have been concerned, as per her usual — Kenya’s actions have remained quite polarizing. While things between her and LaToya have been bizarrely too close for comfort, the initially friendly vibes been Kenya and Drew quickly took a nosedive within the first few episodes of the season — when Drew exposed to the other RHOA ladies that Kenya (and LaToya) would be flying via private jet to their South Carolina vacation spot despite everyone else being organized to take a several hour-long bus ride there.

What’s also important to note is that Drew is one of the several RHOA women currently on the cast that has a young daughter. All of those ladies were really shocked, hurt, and disappointed when at the beginning of the South Carolina trip — they all found out that Kenya had brought her child along on the vacation with her nanny. Understandably, Drew and the other women were very upset because they would have appreciated it if Kenya would have given them the option to bring their own daughters on the vacay as well.

All that being said, I can’t be the only viewer who was caught off guard when Drew and Kenya randomly sat down for dinner in last night’s episode. As Drew said, she initiated the meeting with Kenya despite their rocky start because her goal was to give a relationship with each of the women already on the show a fair shot. Although her intentions being good and genuine — once she and Kenya discussed some of their aforementioned points of conflict, things between them went all the way left.

Clearly, Kenya and Drew’s communication that night was just completely off. To be real, both of them were cutting each other off — but Kenya was definitely being super on the defensive and argumentative from the jump and throughout their conversation. It’s weird because things between the two didn’t seem to get that heated, but the night wrapped up when both women asked for the check — shortly after they just received their full plates of food. While Kenya offered to put the bill on her card, Drew quickly interjected to let their waitress know that the bill would be split.

In her confessional, Kenya said, “Broke b*tches split checks, okay? I’m not going to sit here and calculate how much tax I owe on a check.”

Now let me be very clear — I 100% agree with Drew. Broke or not, there is no way I’m having someone that I don’t know that well or don’t get along with that well to pay for my check. I don’t need them thinking that they didn’t me any favors, and I don’t want them having anything to hold over my head. While we’re both grown and can afford to pay the bill in full — let’s just put on our thinking caps, calculate this tax, and pay for our own separates orders — just as the ladies ended up doing on the show.

Overall, it doesn’t seem like things between Kenya and Drew will be getting better anytime soon, but only because the communication between the two just seems like it can’t get right. Regardless, as we saw yesterday, Kenya’s been doing some therapy and self-reflection on her part — so maybe that will help her communicate with everyone in her life better, friends and family included.

What do y’all think, would you have let Kenya pay the tab after the type of dinner she Drew had? To see some reaction tweets from last night’s episode, view them down below.

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