
Signs You’ve Become Too Comfortable In Your Relationship During The Pandemic

long term relationship boredom

Source: kali9 / Getty

If you and your partner went into the pandemic feeling like fresh love birds and are coming out of it feeling like an old married couple, there’s something to that. One mathematician created a formula to determine how much all of this extra time couples are spending together is “aging relationships.” They call it the “dog years” of relationships. The scientist found that the average relationship was aged four years by the pandemic. Quarantining with someone certainly provides a fast track for getting to know one another on a deeper level that might have been eye-opening for couples who were relatively new when this all started. In many ways, it’s been a good thing! If you could get through this and still love each other, then you can probably get through anything. By “this” we mean around-the-clock time together, isolation from friends and family, fear for your lives, fear for your finances, and fear for your country during tumultuous times. We definitely all learned just how much our partners are our rocks during this. Others realized their boyfriends or girlfriends weren’t the right fit after all.

Many couples are closer, that’s for sure, but getting close and getting comfortable can often go hand in hand. Comfort is, of course, a part of a healthy relationship. But when you get too comfortable, it’s easy to feel like you’ve become siblings or college roommates instead of the young lovers who once couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Is that you? Here are signs you’ve become too comfortable in your relationship during quarantine.

You’re doing “Is this gross?” checks

You used to hide your little gross habits from each other, and now you not only share them but you even consult one another on them. You bring your dirty bra over to your partner, have him sniff it, and ask, “Do you think I can wear this again without washing it?” The razor you’ve had in the shower forever? You show that to your partner and ask, “Is this too rusty to keep using? Also, I used it on my vagina, can I use it on my armpits now?” You’re eating weird food combinations and old leftovers in front of him, dumping a taco salad on a pizza and having him sniff that (you ask each other to sniff a lot of things) to check if he still thinks it’s good.

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