
The Ultimate Guide To Springifying Your Life

Beautiful young black girl smiling against blossom spring trees.

Source: Evgeniia Siiankovskaia / Getty

As we transition into the season of spring, we are preparing for a new way of living, breathing, and feeling. Sure, we’ve endured a pandemic, given the toilet paper and hand sanitizer industries hell and a lived through dramatic economic changes, but all is not lost! This time last year, we were afraid to go outside and be with the people we love. Now, with cities around the country opening back up and vaccinations becoming more and more available, we can spring into a new season with a new, positive mindset. 

“As we enter the new spring season, it’s important to recognize that change has arrived. For many, spring is the season for growth and new opportunities, so people are often excited and eager to say good-bye to winter, and the cold darkness attached to it,” certified mindset coach and meditation instructor Kelley Green told MadameNoire about the benefits of a positive mindset as you transition into a new season. “By enjoying the warmer, brighter, spring days outside, a person can naturally improve their mental state, instead of staying indoors hibernating at home like in the colder months. This means having a more positive mindset during the spring months which can open a person’s mind to grow and feeling optimistic.” 

With spring springing up sooner than we thought, Kelley Green  blessed MadameNoire with some tips and tricks for staying positive and adjusting to the new season! 

Get Up, Get Out and Do Something

Take advantage of the warm weather by getting the summer body you’ve been dying to get a hold of – whatever that may look like. Whether it’s running around the park track or doing squats in your living room, getting your daily dose of exercise does more than just getting your physical wellness up to par. While Green acknowledges that exercise is a good way to look great physically, it most definitely improves your state of mind as well.  

“When it comes to mental health, exercise helps you release endorphins aka the happy hormone which improves one’s well-being, helps reduces stress, and release anxiety,” Green told MadameNoire. “This naturally improves someone’s mood and when a person is happy it’s more natural for them to maintain a positive mindset.”

Call Me, Beep Me, Are You Tryna Reach Me? 

Quarantine readjusted the way that we went about socializing and maintaining relationships. In a world where Zoom meetings have become the ultimate workspace and social media platforms have created more innovative ways to share spaces and rooms with one another, it will never substitute human interaction and physical touch. Spring is the perfect time to reconnect with friends and family outdoors – with COVID-safe regulations, of course! 

Green told MadameNoire that this spring season is the perfect excuse to take advantage of the warmer weather and longer daylight hours. “During winter, people are more inclined to remain indoors to rest and be less active, but in spring there are a lot more opportunities to explore outside and connect and laugh with the people we care about,” she said about the social, mental, and physical benefits of connectivity. “Plus, there’s no need to bundle up or wrap ourselves with layers of clothing just to stay warm outside, which is personally a big joy.” 

Be a Clean Queen! 

Green’s mother always told her, “Clean space, clear mind,” and we couldn’t agree anymore. When you declutter and organize your physical space, your mental space will be a reflection of such. “Growing up and still today my mom reminds my siblings and me about the importance of taking care of our belongings and creating environments for ourselves that we can be comfortable and happy in,” Green said proudly. Recently, she posted a video on decluttering and cleaning via IGTV 

She continued, “By doing so, it gives someone the opportunity to energetically dispose of negative energy so that positive energy and abundance can take its place. This is why spring cleaning is so popular.” 

So, whether it’s spending more time with the people you love, taking care of yourself or your space, make sure you spend this Spring renewing your commitment to living your best life. 

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