
Whew Chile: Michigan Woman Mistakes Nail Glue For Eye Drops And Accidentally Glues Eyes Shut

Woman using eye drops

Source: Image Source / Getty

Mistaking the nail glue in her purse for eye drops, Michigan woman Yacedrah Williams glued her eyes shut in a frightening accident last Thursday. In a recent interview, she shared how the unfortunate event happened and what lucky coincidence spared her vision.

As the story was reported, Williams had fallen asleep with her contacts in and woke up around 1 a.m. wanting to get some relief for her dry eyes. As she sleepily fumbled around in her purse for her small green bottle of eye drops, she unknowingly pulled out her tiny bottle of Kiss nail glue instead — something she kept in her purse on the off-chance one of her nails broke.

Unfortunately, Detroit-based outlet WXYZ reported that it was only after she’d “tipped her head back and the clear liquid had formed a drop that was about to fall [that she] realized the bottle was not the right color” and that she’d made a grave mistake.

“I was like, ‘Oh my goodness,’ Williams told the outlet in a recent interview. “And it dropped in my eye and I tried to wipe it away and it sealed my eye shut. I just started throwing cold water and I was trying to pull my eyes apart, but I couldn’t. And I was just screaming for him [her husband] to call 911.”

“She went into a panic,” her husband Derrick said. “I tried to keep her from panicking but then I said, ‘Derrick, this is in her eye not yours.’” Sharing more of his recollection from that night, he also told the outlet, “I grabbed the phone, and said [to her] ‘Are you sure you want me to call 9-1-1?’”

Thankfully, Williams’ vision wasn’t lost. As she explained, doctors told her that since her contacts were still in her eyes at the time of the accident, they actually protected her vision from being harmed. Admittedly, she shared that she did lose her lashes.

“They said that contacts saved my vision. They kept saying, ‘You’ll probably lose your lashes’ — which I did because they had to pull on it and flip the top of my lid,” she concluded towards the end of the video interview.

See a clip of Williams and her husband speaking on the incident down below.

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